As we plan for the world of eCommerce and the customer expectation of quick, free shipping, our ability to forecast is turned on its head. How many distribution centers do we even need, and is that number feasible? Can we use historical data to plan for demand and design our networks, or is there a better way?
If we're going to offer the speed of shipping and variety of inventory that today's customers have come to expect, there are a lot of different questions that need to be asked. Join Irina Rosca, Director of Supply Chain Operations at Helix and an experienced global supply chain strategist, as she walks through the key questions to a successful and efficient distribution network. You'll leave knowing what data you can start collecting today to answer these questions.
This webinar will cover:
- Strategies for making high-level decisions about your network design and inventory distribution
- How to gain end-to-end visibility into any causes of delay in your global supply chain
- How to use demand data to predict which goods might be flying off the shelves, and where to store them.
And more!
January 30, 2019 12:30 PM PST, 3:30 PM EST, 8:30 PM GMT
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